Descargar Radios by Hallicrafters® (A Schiffer Book for Collectors) de Chuck Dachis PDF ePub
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Radios by Hallicrafters® (A Schiffer Book for Collectors) de Chuck Dachis
Descripción - Reseña del editor In the 1930s, the shortwave radio craze was just beginning to sweep the nation, and Hallicrafters radios began to boom from coast to coast and around the world! Until the 1980s, this Chicago-based firm aimed for the average consumer, and produced high quality radios on the cutting edge of technology, all reasonably priced. Today, collectors of electronics are fascinated by these pieces of radio history, most of which can be restored to their original working condition. This book includes over a thousand photographs of radio receivers, transmitters, speakers, early television sets, electronics accessories, and advertising material. Technical descriptions are provided for every known Hallicrafters model, including dates of production, model numbers, accompanying pieces, and original prices. A current price guide is included for collectors. Biografía del autor Chuck Dachis, the well-known 'Hallicrafter Man,' is the world's expert on Hallicrafter radios. His research over the past twenty has culminated in the definitive reference on the subject, a must for any collector.
History of hallicrafters from chuck dachis the history of hallicrafters reprinted from the book radios by hallicrafters, a schiffer publication, chuck dachis author how it all began in boston, massachusetts, during the spring of 1899, hallicrafters founder william j halligan was born Radios by hallicrafters with price guide schiffer book radios by hallicrafters with price guide schiffer book for by chuck dachis condition is like new shipped with usps media mail please look closely at the pictures as they are part of the description we only ship internationally through the ebay global shipping program thank you for looking Radios by hallicrafters with price guide chuck dachis in the 1930s, the shortwave radio craze was just beginning to sweep the nation, and hallicrafters radios began to boom from coast to coast and around the world until the 1980s, this chicagobased firm aimed for the average consumer, and produced high quality radios on the cutting edge of technology, all reasonably priced today, collectors of electronics are fascinated by these pieces of
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: Radios by Hallicrafters® (A Schiffer Book for Collectors)
- Autor: Chuck Dachis
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Tecnología e ingeniería
- Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar Ebook Radios by Hallicrafters® (A Schiffer Book for Collectors) de Chuck Dachis PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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