Descargar Ebook Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis Using Flexsim de Malcolm Beaverstock,Allen Greenwood,William Nordgren PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis Using Flexsim de Malcolm Beaverstock,Allen Greenwood,William Nordgren
Descripción - Reseña del editor Simulation is an applied technology that adds no value if not used effectively. This book is all about applying simulation in manufacturing, mining, healthcare, transportation, retail, distribution, and more. While traditional simulation texts focus on simulation theory, this book achieves a balance between the important theory and practical issues that lead to simulation success. Written by authors who have in-depth knowledge of simulation and statistics theory as well as extensive experience in teaching and successfully applying simulation, it provides techniques and practical advice. This book covers topics not found in most other texts. It includes chapters on justifying, defining and managing simulation projects. Each exercise is based on actual experience from a wide variety of dynamic operations. The exercises pose unique problems to be solved using simulation as a tool. Also included are application techniques concerning how to manage and store simulation data, picking the correct length of time a simulation should be run, as well as control communications between simulated equipment. Simulating fluid flow, reliability involving competing failures, time schedules, and production scheduling are topics unique to this book.Review questions at the end of each chapter, simulation modeling activities, and educator support materials are reasons this book is being used for teaching simulation as an applied technology around the world. The ease-of-use and native 3D graphical environment of FlexSim means very little time needs to be spent addressing software details. The interest and focus is always on applying the technology.Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis using FlexSim enhances the traditional approach to simulation education and provides a truly fresh view to the professional practice of simulation. Biografía del autor Bill is the President and CEO of FlexSim Software Products, Inc., and currently teaches the Manufacturing Simulation graduate course as an adjunct professor at Brigham Young University. In 1988 he founded ProModel Corporation and was Vice President until he left in 1992. In 1993 Bill founded F&H Simulations, Inc. (now FlexSim Software Products, Inc.) and introduced Taylor II, Taylor ED, and FlexSim into the market.Bill has authored several papers dealing with simulation project management, queuing theory, and has taught hundreds of classes in the use of simulation software. He is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America for his accomplishments in the advancement of simulation technology. Bill received a Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Technology, and a Master of Science in CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) from Brigham Young University.
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis Using Flexsim
- Autor: Malcolm Beaverstock,Allen Greenwood,William Nordgren
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Tecnología e ingeniería
- Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
[Download] Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis Using Flexsim de Malcolm Beaverstock,Allen Greenwood,William Nordgren libros ebooks
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